Moving Expenses

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Form 3903: Moving Expenses

Use Tax Form 3903: Moving Expenses as a stand alone tax form calculator to quickly calculate specific amounts for your 2025 tax return. Alternatively you can use one of our Combined Federal and State Tax Estimator to quickly calculate your salary, tax and take home pay.

Moving Expenses
Name(s) shown on return
Your social security number
Before you begin:✓ See the Distance Test and Time Test in the instructions to find out if you can deduct your moving expenses.
✓ See Members of the Armed Forces in the instructions, if applicable.
1Transportation and storage of household goods and personal effects (see instructions) 1
2Travel (including lodging) from your old home to your new home (see instructions). Do not include the cost of meals2
3Add lines 1 and 2 3
4Enter the total amount your employer paid you for the expenses listed on lines 1 and 2 that is not included in box 1 of your Form W-2 (wages). This amount should be shown in box 12 of your Form W-2 with code P 4
5Is line 3 more than line 4?
No.   You cannot deduct your moving expenses. If line 3 is less than line 4, subtract line 3 from line 4 and include the result on Form 1040, line 7, or Form 1040NR, line 8.
Yes.   Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 26, or Form 1040NR, line 26. This is your moving expense deduction

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