Amended Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return

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Form 720x: Amended Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return

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Amended Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return
1Adjustments to Liability Reported on Previously Filed Forms 720
Quarter ending
Tax as originally reported on Form 720 or as previously adjusted
Adjusted tax
Change (subtract col. (d) from col. (e))
2Adjustments to Schedule C (Form 720) (see instructions for allowable adjustments)
Quarter ending
Credit as originally reported on Form 720 or as previously adjusted
Adjusted credit
Change (subtract col. (e) from col. (d))
3Adjustments to Liability Reported on Previously Filed Forms 720
aFor IRS Nos. 22, 26, 28, or 27, only collectors using the regular method for deposits check the box below.
bFor all other IRS Nos. except for 18, 21, 98, 19, 29, 31, 30, 133, 64, 125, 51, 117, and 20, or if the tax was based on use for 71, 79, 112, 118, 120–124, 61, and 101, check the box below.
Caution. IRS No. 71 can only be adjusted for periods ending before January 1, 2008. IRS Nos. 61 and 101 can only be adjusted for periods ending before October 1, 2006.
If the result is a balance due, pay the amount with this return. Enclose a check or money order with Form 720X and make it payable to “United States Treasury.” Write on the check or money order: “Form 720X,” your name, address, EIN, and the date Form 720X was signed. Complete line 6 on page 2.
If the result is an overpayment, complete lines 5 and 6.
5Check if you want the overpayment:
See Form 720 for how to apply your overpayment.
6Explanation of adjustments. See the instructions for line 6 for requirements. Attach additional sheets with your name and EIN if more space is needed.
CreditCRNCredit Rate
Alcohol fuel mixture credit*
Alcohol fuel mixtures containing ethanol*3930.45
Alcohol fuel mixtures containing alcohol (other than ethanol)*3940.6
Biodiesel or renewable diesel mixture credit
Biodiesel (other than agri-biodiesel) mixtures 3881
Agri-biodiesel mixtures 3901
Renewable diesel mixtures3071
Alternative fuel credit and alternative fuel mixture credit
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)4260.5
“P Series” fuels4270.5
Compressed natural gas (CNG)4280.5
Liquefied hydrogen4290.5
Any liquid fuel derived from coal (including peat) through the Fischer-Tropsch process 4300.5
Liquid fuel derived from biomass4310.5
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)4320.5
Liquefied gas derived from biomass4360.5
Compressed gas derived from biomass4370.5

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