Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations

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California Tax Form 5806: Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations

Use the California Tax Form Calculator California Tax Form 5806: Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations as a stand alone tax form calculator to quickly calculate specific amounts for your 2025 California state tax return.

Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations
Part I Figure the Underpayment
2Installment due dates. See instructions2
3Percentage required. See instructions330%70% less 1st70% less prior100% less prior
4Amount due. See instructions4
5aAmount paid or credited for each installment5a
bOverpayment from previous installment. See instructions5b
6Add line 5a and line 5b6
7Underpayment (subtract line 6 from line 4). See instructions. Overpayment (subtract line 4 from line 6). If line 7 shows an underpayment for any installment, go to Part IV, Exceptions Worksheets7
Part II Exceptions to the Penalty. If Exception A, line 8a is met for all four installments, do not attach this form to the return. If Exception B or C is met, for any installment, attach form FTB 5806 to the back of Form 100, Form 100W, Form 100S or Form 109.
(check the applicable boxes)YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNo
8aException A – Regular Corporations, line 268a
bException A – Large Corporations, line 30. See instructions8b
9Exception B (line 42) met?9
10Exception C (line 64) met?10
Part III Figure the Penalty. If line 7 shows an underpayment for any installment and one of the three exceptions was not met, figure the penalty for that installment by completing line 11 through line 22.
11Enter the earlier of the payment date, or the 15th day of the 3rd month after the close of the taxable year. Form 109 filers, see instructions11
12Number of days from date shown on line 2 to date shown on line 1112
13Number of days on line 12 before 7/01/17, or the payment date, whichever is earlier13
14Number of days on line 12 after 6/30/17 and before 1/01/18, or the payment date, whichever is earlier14
15Number of days on line 12 after 12/31/17 and before 7/01/18, or the payment date, whichever is earlier. Calendar year corporations, see instructions15
16For fiscal year corporations only. Number of days on line 12 after 6/30/18 and before 1/01/19. See instructions16
17For fiscal year corporations only. Number of days on line 12 after 12/31/18 and before 2/15/19. See instructions17
18Number of days on line 13/Number of days in taxable year * 4% * line 718
19Number of days on line 14/Number of days in taxable year * 4% * line 719
20Number of days on line 15/Number of days in taxable year * 4% * line 720
21Number of days on line 16/Number of days in taxable year * (see instructions)% * line 721
22Number of days on line 17/Number of days in taxable year * (see instructions)% * line 722
22aAdd amounts for each column from line 18 through line 2222a
Part IV Exceptions Worksheets. Even if line 7 shows an underpayment for any installment, the Franchise Tax Board will not assess a penalty if timely payments were made and they equal or exceed the amount determined under any of the three exceptions for the same installment period.
24Enter line 23 x the percentage shown24(not less than min.)
25Amount paid by the installment due date (cumulative)25
26If line 25 is greater than line 24, the exception was met. Check “Yes” here and check the applicable “Yes” box in Part ll, line 8a. If line 24 is greater than line 25, the exception was not met. Check “No” here and check the applicable “No” box in Part ll, line 8a26

Exception A — Prior Year’s Tax — Large Corporations
Use this exception only if prior year tax is less than current year tax.
1st Installment2nd Installment
30If line 29 is greater than line 28 for both installments, the exception is met. Check “Yes” here for each installment and check the applicable “Yes” box in Part II, line 8b. The exception to the penalty applies only if line 29 is greater than line 28 for both installments. If line 28 is greater than line 29 for either installment, the exception is not met. Check “No” here and check the applicable “No” box in Part II, line 8b30

See instructions regarding amounts to use for installment 3 and installment 4.
Exception B — Tax on Annualized Current Year Income(a)(b)(c)(d)
Enter number of months for each period. See instructions ▸
31Enter taxable income for each annualization period31
32Annualization amounts. See instructions32
33aAnnualized taxable income. Multiply line 31 by line 3233a
bR&TC Section 23802(e) deduction (S corporations only)33b
cNet income. Subtract line 33b from line 33a 33c
34Tax. Multiply line 33c by the current tax rate34
35Tax credits for each payment period35
36Subtract line 35 from line 3436
37Other taxes*37
38Total tax. Add line 36 and line 3738
39Applicable percentage. For short period returns (taxable year of less than 12 months), see the instructions for Part I, line 33930%70%70%100%
40Installment due. Multiply line 38 by line 3940
41Amount paid by the installment due date (cumulative)41
42If line 41 is greater than line 40, the exception was met. Check “Yes” here and check the applicable “Yes” box in Part ll, line 9. If line 40 is greater than line 41, the exception was not met. Check “No” here and check the applicable “No” box in Part ll, line 9.42

*Include alternative minimum tax, S corporation taxes from Schedule D (100S) and from the excess net passive income, the QSub annual tax, installment amount credit recapture, and the minimum franchise tax.
43Enter taxable income for the following periods:1st 3 months1st 5 months1st 8 months1st 11 months
aTaxable year beginning in 201443a
bTaxable year beginning in 201543b
cTaxable year beginning in 201643c
44Enter taxable income for each period for the taxable year beginning in 201744
45Enter taxable income for the following periods:1st 4 months1st 6 months1st 9 monthsEntire year
aTaxable year beginning in 201445a
bTaxable year beginning in 201545b
cTaxable year beginning in 201645c
46Divide the amount in each column on line 43a by the amount in column (d) on line 45a46
47Divide the amount in each column on line 43b by the amount in column (d) on line 45b47
48Divide the amount in each column on line 43c by the amount in column (d) on line 45c48
49Add line 46 through line 4849
50Divide line 49 by 350
511st 4 months1st 6 months1st 9 monthsEntire year
aDivide line 44 by line 5051a
bR&TC Section 23802(e) deduction. (S corporations only)51b
cNet income. Subtract line 51b from line 51a51c
52Tax. Multiply line 51c by the current tax rate52
53Divide the amounts in column (a) through column (c) on line 45a by the amount in column (d) on line 45a53
54Divide the amounts in column (a) through column (c) on line 45b by the amount in column (d) on line 45b54
55Divide the amounts in column (a) through column (c) on line 45c by the amount in column (d) on line 45c55
56Add line 53 through line 5556
57Divide line 56 by 357
58Multiply the amounts in column (a) through column (c) of line 52 by the amounts in the corresponding column of line 57. In column (d), enter the amount from line 52, column (d)58
59Tax credits for each payment period59
60Subtract line 59 from line 5860
61Other taxes*61
62Total tax. Add line 60 and line 6162
63Amount paid by the installment due date (cumulative)63
64If line 63 is greater than line 62, the exception was met. Check “Yes” here and check the applicable “Yes” box in Part ll, line 10. If line 62 is greater than line 63, the exception was not met. Check “No” here and check the applicable “No” box in Part ll, line 1064

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