Use the New York Tax Form Calculator New York Tax Form 209: Claim for Noncustodial Parent New York State Earned Income Credit as a stand alone tax form calculator to quickly calculate specific amounts for your 2025 New York state tax return.
The noncustodial parent New York State earned income credit (noncustodial EIC) may be claimed instead of the New York State earned income credit (NYS EIC). If you claimed a federal earned income credit, compute both the noncustodial EIC (Schedule A) and the NYS EIC (Schedule B) on Form IT-209 to determine which credit is more beneficial to you. You cannot claim both the noncustodial EIC and the NYS EIC. | |||||||||
Schedule A – Noncustodial parent New York State earned income credit (noncustodial EIC) | |||||||||
Part 1 – Eligibility | |||||||||
If you answer No to any question on lines 1 through 6, you do not qualify for the noncustodial EIC. However, if you claimed a federal EIC, you may be eligible to claim the New York State earned income credit on Form IT-215, Claim for Earned Income Credit. See instructions. | |||||||||
1 | Were you a full-year resident of New York State? If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | 1 | |||||||
2 | Were you age 18 or older as of December 31? If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | 2 | |||||||
3 | Were you the parent of a child who did not reside with you and was under the age of 18 on December 31? | 3 | |||||||
If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | |||||||||
If Yes, list up to three children who did not reside with you in the spaces below (see instructions). | |||||||||
First name | MI | Last name | Suffix | Relationship | Social security number | Date of birth (mmddyyyy) | |||
4 | Did you have a child support order payable through a New York State Support Collection Unit (SCU) for at least one-half of the tax year? If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | 4 | |||||||
5 | For the tax year, have you paid an amount in child support equal to or more than the amount due for every order requiring you to make child support payments? If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | 5 | |||||||
6 | Is your federal AGI from Form IT-201, line 19, less than $39617? If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit. | 6 | |||||||
7 | Do you (and your spouse if filing a joint return) have a social security number that allows you to work or is valid for federal earned income tax purposes? (see instructions) If No, stop; you do not qualify for this credit, the NYS EIC, or the NYC EIC. | 7 | |||||||
8 | Is your federal filing status Married filing separately? If Yes, stop; you do not qualify for this credit, the NYS EIC, or the NYC EIC. | 8 | |||||||
9 | Are you filing federal Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ (relating to foreign earned income)? If Yes, stop; you do not qualify for this credit, the NYS EIC, or the NYC EIC. | 9 | |||||||
10 | Is your investment income greater than $3,450? (see instructions) If Yes, stop; you do not qualify for this credit, the NYS EIC, or the NYC EIC. | 10 | |||||||
Part 2 – Claiming the credit | |||||||||
11 | Have you already filed your New York State income tax return? If Yes, you must file an amended return to claim this credit, the NYS EIC, or NYC EIC. | 11 | |||||||
12 | Do you want the Tax Department to compute your noncustodial EIC and NYS EIC and give you the greater of the two? If Yes, complete lines 13 through 17 (also complete lines 33 and 34 if you claimed the federal EIC, and lines 46 and 47 if you are a New York City part-year resident). If No, complete lines 13 through 32 (also complete lines 33 through 43 if you claimed the federal EIC, and lines 44 through 47 if you are a New York City resident or part-year resident). | 12 | |||||||
Part 3 – Earned income | |||||||||
13 | 13 | ||||||||
14 | 14 | ||||||||
15 | 15 | ||||||||
Employer identification number (see instr.) The amount on line 15 is a (mark an X in one box): -or- | |||||||||
16 | 16 | ||||||||
17 | 17 | ||||||||
Part 4 – Credit computation | |||||||||
Credit computed at 20% of federal EIC with one qualifying child | |||||||||
18 | 18 | ||||||||
19 | Are the amounts on lines 16 and 17 the same? If Yes, skip lines 20 and 21, and enter the line 18 amount on line 22. If No, continue on line 20. | 19 | |||||||
20 | Is the amount on line 17 less than $18350? If Yes, skip line 21, and enter the line 18 amount on line 22. If No, continue on line 21. | 20 | |||||||
21 | 21 | ||||||||
22 | 22 | ||||||||
23 | 23 | ||||||||
24 | 24 | ||||||||
Credit computed at 2.5 times the federal EIC without a qualifying child | |||||||||
25 | 25 | ||||||||
26 | Are the amounts on lines 16 and 17 the same? If Yes, skip lines 27 and 28, and enter the line 25 amount on line 29. If No, continue on line 27. | 26 | |||||||
27 | Is the amount on line 17 less than $8350 ($13950 if your filing status is , Married filing joint return)? If Yes, skip line 28, and enter the line 25 amount on line 29. If No, continue on line 28. | 27 | |||||||
28 | 28 | ||||||||
29 | 29 | ||||||||
30 | 30 | ||||||||
31 | 31 | ||||||||
32 | 32 | ||||||||
33 | Did you claim the federal EIC? If No, stop; you do not qualify for the NYS EIC (see the line 32 instructions) If Yes, continue on line 34 | 33 | |||||||
34 | Did you claim qualifying children on your federal Schedule EIC? If No, continue on line 35. If Yes, in the spaces below, list up to three of the same children you claimed on federal Schedule EIC. Note: The children listed below must not be the same children as those you listed at line 3 on page 1. | 34 | |||||||
1st Child | First name | MI | Last name | Suffix | Relationship | ||||
No. of months lived with you | Social security number | Date of birth (mmddyyyy) | |||||||
2nd Child | First name | MI | Last name | Suffix | Relationship | ||||
No. of months lived with you | Social security number | Date of birth (mmddyyyy) | |||||||
3rd Child | First name | MI | Last name | Suffix | Relationship | ||||
No. of months lived with you | Social security number | Date of birth (mmddyyyy) | |||||||
* Mark an X in these boxes only if you checked Yes in the same box on your federal Schedule EIC (box 4a or 4b) | |||||||||
35 | 35 | ||||||||
36 | 36 | ||||||||
37 | 37 | ||||||||
38 | 38 | ||||||||
38a | 38a | ||||||||
38b | 38b | ||||||||
38c | 38c | ||||||||
38d | 38d | ||||||||
38e | 38e | ||||||||
39 | 39 | ||||||||
40 | 40 | ||||||||
41 | 41 | ||||||||
42 | 42 | ||||||||
43 | You can only claim the NYS EIC from line 42 or the noncustodial EIC from line 43. You cannot claim both. If line 42 is greater than line 43, enter the line 42 amount on Form IT‑201, line 65. If line 43 is greater than line 42, enter the line 43 amount on Form IT-201, line 66. | 43 | |||||||
Schedule C – New York City earned income credit (NYC EIC) for NYC full-year and part-year residents | |||||||||
Caution: You must be a full-year or part-year New York City resident and qualify for a federal EIC to claim the NYC EIC | |||||||||
44 | Were you a resident of New York City? If No, stop; you do not qualify for the NYC EIC | 44 | |||||||
45 | 45 | ||||||||
46 | 46 | ||||||||
47 | 47 |
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